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Rise from Sorrow to Joy is a pathway to navigate grief.  The loss of a loved one, especially a child, can be a crushing experience.  Overwhelming feelings of grief can happen unexpectedly and lead to feelings of despair.  This book was written to uplift and encourage hope by providing ways to manage the intensity of the pain.  Like a journey, grief may not have a quick ending, and the pathway from sorrow to joy focuses on a consistent commitment to try new approaches leading to habits that develop peace, positive choices, and the strength to endure.  The chapters are thoughtfully written within the context of the acronym RISE:  Reinvent, Improvise, Stay Focused, and Embrace Change with reflections and guided questions to help build confidence to move forward.  The pathway to healing is emotionally challenging, physically exhausting, and mentally draining.  In this book the author shares the story of her journey with the tragic death of her 21-year-old daughter with real-life examples of how pain can position you for power. The power to heal through grief

Rise from Sorrow to Joy Book

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